MAKER:Giannis Vasilakis/译:趣无尽 Cherry(转载请注明出处)
本次教程介绍一款从原理图、PCB、源码、3D外壳图纸齐全的开源小项目,小巧实用的生态缸光照系统。该项目是基于 Atmega328p 微控制器和 Arduino 制作,很适合拿来练手。
下面罗列了主要的部件和资源,具体的 DIY 操作步骤不再赘述,如有问题欢迎在「趣小组」( 交流。
定制 PCB 电路板×1
Atmega328×1(带 Arduino UNO bootloader)
NeoPixel RGB LED 防水灯×1
DS1307串行 RTC×1
28 DIP插座×1
8 DIP插座×1
16 MHz 晶振×1
32.768 MHz 晶振×1
22 pF 电容×2
10 k电阻×3
2.54mm 2P 螺丝端子×1
2.54mm 5 针排针×1
TTL 转 USB 模块×1(可选)
Arduino UNO 或 TTL 转 USB 模块
电路原理图和 PCB
用五根线将 TTL 转 USB 模块与 PCB 上的TX、RX、RS、GND、5V相连,其中引脚 RX 和 TX 必须交叉连接。
注意:如果你使用的是 Arduino UNO,请先从板子上取下 ATmega328 芯片,然后将板子的 RX 接头连接到 RX 引脚,将 TX 接头连接到 TX 引脚。 RS 引脚必须连接到 Arduino UNO 复位引脚。
/* Arduino based - Aquarium Auto Lighing System * More info can be found at: * Dev:Michalis Vasilakis Date:21/2/2018 Var:1.0 */ //Libraries (many thanks to Developers) #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #include <RTClib.h> //Constants const int DIN = 2; //Neopixel DIN pin to Arduino Pin 2 const int PIXELS = 29; //How many neopixel leds do you have? RTC_DS1307 rtc; //Create an object for DS1307 I2C library Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXELS, DIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //Create an object for NeoPixel library //Variables; int H,M; //H for hour and M for minutes String Time; // Use readTime(); Serial.print(Time); for printing the time in serial monitor //Variables For color setting boolean newColor = false; int r=0; int g=0; int b=0; //Following variables are used for the time setting from serial monitor boolean newMessage = false; boolean messageCompleted = false; char incomingByte; String command; //Delay without delay() for fade unsigned long previousMillis = 0; const long interval = 250; //Change this value (ms) void setup() { pixels.begin(); //Initialize the NeoPixel library rtc.begin(); //Initialize the RTC DS1307 library Serial.begin(9600); //This will run only if the rtc battery is low or rtc ic has wrong time set if (! rtc.isrunning()) { Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!"); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 1, 2018 at 00:00am you would call: rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 01, 01, 00, 00, 0)); } Serial.println("Aquarium Auto Lighting System"); Serial.println("Visit the for more info \n"); readTime(); Serial.println(Time); Serial.println("- To set the time send '<SHH:MM>' (example: <S14:05>)"); } void loop() { setTime(); //Check for serial set command readTime(); //Change time and color values bellow if you want //From 00:00 to 07:00 if (H>=0 && H <7) { setColor(0,0,50); } //From 07:00 to 12:00 else if (H>=7 && H<12){ setColor(50,50,100); } else if( H>=12 && H<19){ setColor(180,180,180); } else if (H>=19 && H<21){ setColor(50,50,100); } } //Send color to led strip void setColor(int R,int G,int B){ while ((r!=R) || (g!=G) || (b!=B)){ setTime(); //Check for serial set command unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; for(int i=0;i<PIXELS;i++){ // pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(r,g,b));; } if (r!=R && r<R){ r++; } else if (r!=R && r>R){ r--; } if (g!=G && g<G){ g++; } else if (g!=G && g>G){ g--; } if (b!=B && b<B){ b++; } else if (b!=B && b>B){ b--; } } } } //Read time from RTC void readTime(){ DateTime now =; H = now.hour(); M = now.minute(); Time = "Current time in RTC: " + String(H) + ":" + String(M); } //Set time, send <SHH:MM> (example <S05:00>) void setTime(){ if (Serial.available()){ incomingByte =; if(incomingByte=='>'){ messageCompleted=true; newMessage=false; } else if (incomingByte=='<'){ newMessage=true; } if (newMessage){ command.concat(incomingByte); } } if(messageCompleted){ //Set time if (command.charAt(1)=='S'){ int h = (command.substring(2,4)).toInt(); int m = (command.substring(5,7)).toInt(); rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018,01,01,h,m,0)); Serial.println("Done"); readTime(); Serial.println(Time); } command=""; messageCompleted=false; } }
3D 打印外壳
3D 打印图纸在项目文件库中下载: